Are you also a sensitive soul?

Welcome to my blog: this is the place where creative joy and spiritual depth intertwine in a luminous and unique embrace.

As a writer, playwright, and screenwriter with a background in journalism, I have dedicated my existence to exploring and celebrating creativity in all its forms. I am also a teacher of creative techniques and an experienced consultant in spirituality and transformative processes connected to creativity.

I offer support and inspiration to writers, artists, and dreamers, helping them navigate life, live creatively, and do what they love.

My fiction, poetry, and non-fiction books are published to date in ten languages and distributed in fifteen countries worldwide.

I am delighted to welcome you to this corner of reflection and inner exploration, where spirituality, personal growth, and creativity converge.

I invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel, With a light step, to become part of this sensitive community. Together, we will discover the beauty of creativity and ignite the light of our souls.

Maria Amata ❤️